Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Corporate Print Buying Online Solutions

Compared to traditional methods, using 'simple to use' internet applications can deliver cost savings, reduce human error and enable faster delivery of products and services to all parties in the supply chain. For enterprises, marketing agencies and printing companies who need to streamline the print ordering process, web to print solutions are available on every level. In today's market place, you can choose from fully managed on-line print procurement systems to self hosted solutions that will enable total control of print procurement and application management.

For the corporate print buyer, the first step in moving your print procurement on-line is to list the requirements for your individual business needs. Your existing print suppliers should provide help with identifying these requirements. It is in everyone's interests to end up with a seamless print procurement process.

One of the biggest obstacles to implementation is the printer's desire to lock in a customer to their own on-line system, with the customer having the opposing view. It is vital for the print supplier to recognise this fact. Equally, the customer needs to recognise the value that a totally integrated print ordering solution will provide. The advantage to both is that it can cement a relationship for a period of years, leading to stability for the supplier and enhanced service for the customer.

Another challenge is introduced when more than one print supplier is involved. One answer for the corporate would be then to use a print management company or agency. If you're superhuman and know your printers will collaborate well, you might be able to manage this yourself. The above statements will apply.

Another option is to bring the whole thing in-house. Whether ordering stationery or managing constantly changing marketing collateral, the fundamental benefit is being able to enforce brands and manage document print and distribution. Sometimes, the corporate is the best placed to manage this. Whatever route you choose, successful print ordering implementations are those that involve all people. Those who will be touched by any new processes - internal employees or suppliers - should be part of the planning process. It's better to do this in the beginning when you are listing your requirements. People's fears can be addressed as well as outlining the benefits of change.

What's Possible?

Ordering Versioned Print: Typically, versioned printing is referred to when there is more than one copy of a version of a document or item. But, there may be any number of variations of that document or item. For example, a sales leaflet for a holiday company may have a design which it uses to advertise a range of holidays. However, even though the design and layout is the same, the content could be different for each type of holiday. There may be changes to text, pictures and colours specific for each offer. However, the print quantity for each offer will be more than 1 copy.

Ordering Personalised Print: Personalised printing is referred to when each print copy is unique to the recipient. The individual difference of each one might only be a change of name and mailing address. Or, if it is for 1-to-1 marketing, personalisation could be a complex combination of different text and images. An example might be a postcard advertising a car with an offer personalised to fit the recipients profile.

Printing Versioned and Personalised Items: With the very latest Digital Presses, quality is very close to that of Litho. Using real inks, immediate drying and fast delivery of finished personalised print, it isnt difficult to see why this sector of print is growing. Many organisations are enjoying reduced costs and business growth as a result of implementing targeted print campaigns as part of their overall sales and customer service strategy.

Modern Digital Presses are capable of producing quantities as low as 1. Although technically there isnt an upper limit on quantity, runs up to about 2000 will remain competitively priced. At this point the higher speeds of Litho Presses will make Litho Printing a more cost effective option.

Combining the latest on-line technology with variable print solutions provide print buyers with maximum advantage. Being able to manage marketing campaigns and short run variable printing from the desktop has never been easier. With the right solution, it is possible to order print 24/7 from anywhere in the world, send files direct to press and have jobs delivered within hours.

Stock Management: For printing where larger quantities are needed, e.g. 10s of 1000s, storage, call-off from stock and re-orders need to be managed in an efficient and cost effective way. The best way to achieve this is by implementing a stock management system, with ordering and administration available via the desktop.

Richard Leeds is the founder of PrintJuggler, and provides a personal service for customers with custom printing and gift wrap packaging requirements. For corporate print customers, PrintJuggler provides eShop on-line ordering.Caril Blog46499
Ailee Blog45711

Retirement: Living or Just Existing?

Are you planning to retire?

If the answer is yes, are you preparing financially? If so, that means you will have enough money to do all the fun things you look forward to doing, instead of having to think twice about the smallest purchase. And, hopefully, you will plan so well that you will have more than enough money to pay for medical services not covered by insurance or Medicare. Unfortunately, many folks retire thinking, "I won't need as much money anymore." Wrong!

"Old age" is not free. Even if you have taken great care of yourself over the years, the older you get the more maintenance and repair you need and it can be costly.

But a happy retirement takes more than money.

There is something drastically wrong with the way we prepare for retirement. We are encouraged to plan financially, but who is advising us to have a plan to be healthy enough to enjoy the fruit of all the years of labor?

One thing is certain: Your employer or financial advisor will not likely help you develop a preventive health care plan along with financial planning advice. You have to do that yourself, and the sooner you do, the happier and healthier you will be in retirement.

As a pharmacist, I see many seniors well off financially, but their health is shot. They are alive but not living just existing. In many cases, the culprit is not "old age" but years of neglect and self-inflicted health abuse.

There is no joy in having enough money in the bank while incarcerated in a nursing home or dependent on friends and family to tend to the most basic needs.

One other thing: It's selfish not to plan to take care of yourself. Do grown children, perhaps in a bind financially, or with difficult teenagers, need one more problem?

Here are some basic suggestions to help insure a dynamite retirement:

Start an exercise regimen. Today! No time? Invest in a treadmill and put it in front of the TV. While viewing programs that may insult your intelligence, pedal away and turn it into productive use of time. The key to making an exercise program work is consistency. It must become a habit, a "given" in your daily life.

Don't like a treadmill? Get an inexpensive Gazelle. It's a great, low impact calorie burner to use while watching TV, and it will help get your waist back.

Love yourself enough to cut the processed stuff from your diet. You don't need the edible junk advertised as food. Start eating more fresh food. If you love to cook, prepare quick, no-fuss, no-recipe meals. While eating can and should be a pleasure, your goal should be to eat to live, not live to eat. If you can adopt that attitude, you can quickly get over a destructive love affair with food. When you can toss out the deep fat fryer, you know you've done something terrific for your health and your future.

A huge bonus: Exercise and a more natural diet will lower cholesterol and blood pressure and you won't need Pepcid or antacids. By the way, if you believe TV ads that show folks eating what amounts to dietary garbage, and then take an antacid to neutralize the ingested poison, rethink what you believe.

If you abuse your body long enough with food it doesn't want or need, eventually arteries will clog, blood pressure will soar, intestines will clog, and joints will stiffen and ache. You can't fool Mother Nature forever with Mylanta, Pepcid or other band-aids to counter dietary indiscretion.

Drink more water. Eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day. Coffee and tea, don't count. Nor do sodas. Water is a great antidote for "heartburn." Next time you eat something your stomach doesn't like, drink a couple of glasses of water before you reach for the antacid. You'll probably feel better because you are diluting the poison and getting it out of your body faster.

If you are not taking dietary supplements, now is the time to educate yourself about which ones to take. You need plenty of anti-aging antioxidants. If you think your diet (even a "good" one) provides everything you need, think again. Broccoli grown in mineral deficient foreign soil, treated with chemicals to extend shelf life and stored too long under less than best conditions does not provide optimum nutrition.

Part of your re-education program should include subscribing to a newsletter published by a physician with common sense. A favorite of mine is Dr. Julian Whitaker. He has a no-cost online newsletter at and a print newsletter I would not be without.

If you think in terms of prevention, along with wise financial planning, it's not difficult to make the rest of your life the best of your life. It's just a matter of loving yourself and having enough vision to take the bull by the horns on your own behalf while you still have the ability to do so.

Barbara Morris, R.Ph. is a pharmacist and anti-aging strategist. Subscribe to her newsletter at and receive her complimentary ebook, Diva Tested Tips for Fabulous Skin. Her wisdom is cited in Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansens new book, How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life. See Blog52849
Benedicta Blog14184

Ten Ways to Write Great Blog Posts That Get Attention

Millions of blogs fight for readership online (over 75 million by some counts), with thousands more being created every day. Making yours stand above the rest may seem like a daunting task, but here are ten suggestions for making your blog posts stand out from the crowd.

1. Write each post title so it grabs the reader's attention. It is the first thing someone reads, and it should get your reader's attention right away. Your title should both pique the reader's interest and be informative. Do not write "Business Writing Advice"; instead, say "The Best-Kept Secret to Reducing Your Business Writing Worries." Longer titles have the advantage of describing in detail what your post is about; 8-12 words are a good range.

2. Keep sentences short and clear. A little goes a long way. Readers are busy people and they will not spend hours detangling complex syntax or sifting through blocks of text. Also, use strong language. Start a new paragraph every few sentences, and limit each post to 250 words, if possible. If you cannot write it in under 250 words, split it into two entries.

3. Break up the text. Use numbered lists, bullet points, and subheadings to make your posts easy to scan. Lots of white space on the page is a good thing-it allows your reader to take mental breaks and let the knowledge soak in. In addition, with the inevitable clutter of banner ads and side text, this technique puts some distance between your writing and all those distractions.

4. Keep current. No one wants to read old news. Your job is to stay up-to-date so your readers do not have to themselves. Read newspapers. Scour the web for references. For example, if you write a blog about business communication, subscribe to Google News Alerts using keywords related to the field, such as blogs, podcasting, instant messaging, business letters, memos, and business reports, so you will always be well informed. Posting items from last month or last year will lose your reader's interest faster than you can say "Enron."

5. Be bold. Timidity is an easy path to anonymity. Do not be afraid to create and state your opinions. Of course, there are some situations in which objectivity rules-but you have to give people a reason to read this blog by you and not by the person next door.

6. Be accurate. If you make a statement, be prepared to back it up. Know what your sources are and quote them accurately. Misinformation spreads like wildfire online; do not be the spark that sets it off or the wind that fans it.

7. Contribute to the conversation. Links are great-but then what? Do not just post links to the same tired sites, offer your reader something new. Contribute to the conversation. Your goal is to be the site to which everyone else is linking-so you had better have something worth writing about.

8. Stay focused. Once you have defined the theme of your blog, stick to it. A blog about piggy banks has no business posting about the latest innovation in alternative energy. Such a deviance will only confuse your reader and chip away at your virtual authority.

9. Use key words liberally. Keywords are, well, key. Harness your blog's search engine potential by dousing your title and post with effective keywords that will help interested parties find your page in the vast, muddled blogosphere. This is one of the most important elements of getting your blog read-go at it with gusto.

10. Be consistent. Keep a schedule and stick to it. Post frequently-at least several times per week if you want to increase your potential of attracting new readers. Let your blog languish for weeks without updates and your audience will move on to fresher ground.

Maintaining an informative blog that people want to read takes hard work and good writing skills. Find what makes your writing unique-and flaunt it for all it is worth.

Courtland L. Bovee, one of America's leading instructors in clear and effective communication, co-authors several leading college-level texts with John V. Thill, a prominent communications consultant and current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Communication Strategies. Their website, Business Communication Headline News, the #1 business communication site on the web, is at http://www.businesscommunicationheadlinenews.comCelestyna Blog23025
Brittne Blog48896

Diamond Engagement Ring Budget

A Diamond Engagement Ring is the best and timely gift to your Fiance. Her heart is as pure as the diamond you are putting on her fingers and your bond of Love is as strong as the Diamond itself. Your first Gift to your would be wife is priceless and will be cherished by her throughout her life. Your Heart is full of Love and affection for her. You would want to give her all the things in the World.

But in spite of all these things the Diamond Ring you are going to gift to her has a price. What should be that price and what amount you must pay for that Diamond Ring? As for everything in life it is always better to have a budget and planning for the purchase of this Diamond Engagement Ring.

How much is reasonable for your diamond Ring. It is said that 2 to 3 months Salary must be the maximum that could be spent on a Diamond Engagement Ring.

Usually the People go for G- H in Color of the Diamond, and VS to S11 in Clarity will be the general specification for an engagement Ring. But depending on the Budget the size of the Diamond will be decided. Higher color of the Diamond and higher clarity of the Diamond will be a good choice but a higher Price has to be paid for it. The Cut of the Diamond also adds to its Price

It will be very difficult for the common People to see the difference between good, very good and excellent cut and symmetry in Diamonds. So is the Case with Polish of the Diamond. But a very poor and not so good Polish and Cut work on the Diamond can be seen even by ordinary People.

First decide about your Budget for the Diamond Ring, and accordingly decide about the properties of the Diamond within the Price like Carat, Cut, Clarity, and Color, the diamond setting and band. Depending on the material for the Band like Platinum or white or yellow Gold the price of the Ring will vary.

If you wish to go for a bigger sized Diamond then you have to compromise with other qualities of the Diamond and you may even get a slightly less quality Diamond with less brilliance. The deciding factor must be the Cut and polish of the Diamond rather than the size of the Diamond. You will love that eternal brilliance of the Diamond if these are taken care of even if the size of the Stone is a little lesser than you wanted.

John Gibb is the owner of diamond ring sources, For more information on diamond rings check out http://www.Diamondrings-information.infoAnitra Blog52247
Brittne Blog48896

Computer Diagnostics

The diagnostics that are associated with computers can help to identify any problem or failure that computers show when they are having problems. Diagnostics are used to test out the computer system, which includes both the BIOS and memory, software, and even the hardware that is attached to the computer.

The most common types of problems will occur when your computer is down to very low resources, which can either be a low amount of RAM, or a low disk space. These conditions are very common, and generally result in your computer running very slow. This can easily be fixed, all you have to do is defrag your hard drive, and get rid of some programs and files that you no longer use or need.

Almost all types of computer diagnostic software can find and fix just about any problem that you are having. It normally starts off with a BIOS examination, and goes on from there. PC diagnostics software can determine a lot from the BIOS, from the common settings to those that have a major impact on both boot up and performance.

No matter what you do, you should never modify or tamper with the BIOS settings, as it can lead to serious problems. If you do plan to modify or mess with your BIOS, you should always create a backup first, just in case something goes wrong. The BIOS settings can be very tricky, although they are responsible for a lot to do with your computer. If you have never been in the BIOS before, you really shouldnt be modifying anything inside of it.

Depending on the diagnostics program that you are using, there will be several different features available. Right now, two of the most popular are Norton Systemworks and PC Doctor. Both of these programs offer full diagnostics software, good for fixing just about any software related computer program you can imagine.

Once you run the program, youll be able to select the diagnostic test that you are planning to run. Some offer you a full system scan, which will scan your entire computer and then display any problems that you having. After displaying any problems, the software will normally give you an option to go ahead and fix it. As long as the problem is nothing serious, the diagnostic software can generally fix it.

The more complicated problems, such as hardware failures or hard drive crashes, are a totally different story. They will require a technician who is very experienced, that can rebuild the hardware. Diagnostic software can report hardware problems to you, although most of the time it is unable to fix it.

There are other computer diagnostic software that you run after starting the computer or rebooting, that will check everything from BIOS. These types are great, although the types such as Norton and PC Doctor are by far superior. They offer far more features, including defragment, cache cleaner, and the option to delete your temporary Internet files. These features are great to have, especially if you arent the technical type.

For more reasons than one, computer diagnostic software is the ideal way to find and prevent problems with your computer. Norton Systemworks offers you Ghost as well, which is the perfect way to back up your data. You can back up certain files, or just go ahead and back up your entire hard drive. Systemworks and Ghost are very easy to use, even if you are completely new to computers. For everything they offer you - computer diagnostic programs are the ideal way to prevent problems before they happen.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog77896
Barbey Blog51531

The Future of Cars, Unleashed is singing a new tune for future car trends. Recently, it has reported the upcoming trends of cars that will hit the market in the coming years. 15 new innovations are predicted to wow car enthusiasts in the next 10 years.

According to Patrick Olsen, managing editor of, "You can find some of these innovations on the market today, and the technology exists to incorporate many of these innovations in the near future. Cost and consumer demand will help determine whether these innovations become standard, become options for select luxury vehicles--or never make it out of development."

Car innovations include advanced flexible fuel systems that could allow all types of fuel interchangeably. From gas, hydrogen, diesel, E85 to electric and battery power, name it and the fuel system can handle them. There is also the anticipated invasion of active tires. These tires are made from synthetic compound that can be transformed any time to manage various road conditions with just one push of the button. Another expected innovation is the autopilot where the driver does not literally drive because his car is guided by the navigation system.

Aside from the aforementioned, lane charger warning that monitors traffic, camless engines that demands airflow according to the cars workload, and self-repairing paint that prevents scratches are also expected to amaze the automotive market in the coming 3 to 5 years. Also included in this time frame are the launching of navigation systems with real-time traffic information, electric window tinting and self-parking cars.

Within 2 years expected car innovations include keyless entry and ignition, collision mitigation system which prepares a car for an accident, automotive black box, adaptive break lights, economy mode cars, and computer center cars that can manage calls, emails, music and music.

The automotive industry never fails to amuse car fanatics with its amazing innovations. In the coming years, expect more exciting and fabulous innovations from Toyota accessories, Volkswagen accessories, Volvo accessories and the rest of the renowned car manufacturers. Also expect that auto parts go with these changes.

Shane Morgay is a 34-year-old native of Ohio. She love cars and knows detailed information about them. She has a collection of miniature car collectibles and would love to have these collectibles become real ones. She works for a car part supplier most days of the week.Annmarie Blog32444
Antonella Blog93031

Using Dropship to Buy and Sell Electronics and Other Products

As consumers, the Internet has given us unprecedented opportunities to shop for virtually all types of products from the comfort of our homes. Whether we're in the market for electronics or a new computer, jewelry or a handbag, or household items or toys, it only takes a few clicks of our mouse to find what we need. At the same time, one of the challenges of shopping online is the timeliness with which our orders are fulfilled.

The supply chain of online stores is such that they often stock inventory on an "as needed" basis. That means that if you order a radar detector, for example, the online store may not have it in stock. The store may have to wait for their radar detector supplier to ship it to the seller, who in turn must ship it to you. That can mean delays ranging from several days to several weeks.

Some online merchants, however, use what is called dropship. This means that when you place your order, it goes directly to the manufacturer or supplier. The manufacturer or supplier, in turn, ships the product directly to you. So if you ordered both electronics and toys from the same online merchant, for example, you would get two shipments: one from the electronics supplier and one from the toy manufacturer. One advantage of dropship is that it bypasses the middleman (the online merchant) and cuts down the time your order reaches your doorstep. Another advantage of dropship is that your order won't be held up by a backorder. In the example used above, your electronics will be shipped to you even though your toys may not be immediately available.

If you are an online merchant, dropship also offers a number of advantages. First, and most importantly, you don't have to stock inventory. This means that you don't have to rent space to store inventory, that you don't have to track inventory, and that you don't have to deal with the time and hassle of setting up a shipping department and shipping merchandise to your customers.

Dropship also allows you to sell a wide variety of products. Because you don't have to stock merchandise, and instead can rely upon suppliers and manufacturers to do order fulfillment for you, your online store can carry everything from jewelry and handbags to computers and household items. You'll never have to worry about how much of any particular item you need to order, and you'll never have to deal with excess inventory. Reliable dropshippers will fulfill your customers' orders quickly and efficiently, thus enhancing your reputation as an online seller.

Because online merchants who dropship don't have the overhead expenses incurred by merchants that carry inventory, they can pass along the costs savings to their customers. As a result, customers can get terrific bargains, often buying electronics and other items at near-wholesale prices.

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comCarmon Blog8362
Barb Blog82843

Before You Hire A Decorative Artists, Ask The Right Questions

Hiring a decorative artist to work in your home is a personal experience. From the beginning planning stage to the actual process of painting, a homeowner and artist will spend many hours together. Below are five tips to aid the creative process, and insure you hire the most qualified studio that fits your projects needs.

Finding the Artist. Home Shows, interior designers, and local home magazines are ideal places to find professional artists. Check out the walls of established hair salons or restaurants. Try the local phone book-- many times artists are included in the paint contractors category.

A quick search on the web, using key words such as Des Moines Faux Finish may lead to immediate local results when looking for a specific area. Make sure to go through the first three pages of your search. You may also try, a national database.

Questions For The Artist and You. When contacting the artist be prepared with questions. First, make sure the artist is an actual business entity, rather than a hobby painter. For example, decorative artists work is considered to be part of the construction industry in Iowa. Artists working on walls and interiors of homes are required to be a registered contractor with the state. To see if the artist your considering to hire check here Second, ask if the artist is covered by insurance. It is extremely important to ask if they are covered not only by liability insurance, but that all helpers on the jobsite are covered by workers compensation insurance. Decorative artists work on ladders and scaffolding on most jobs; safety must come first.

Other questions to ask include:

* Do you have a website?
* What is your lead time?
* How much is your consultation fee?
* Will you make a sample of any proposed ideas?
* Where have you been trained?
* Do you use professional, durable products?

While on the phone be prepared to explain to the artist what your vision and goals are for the proposed project area. Discuss ideas such as interior design style, or if you would like to add texture to the wall. Specific problems you are trying to solve, such as incorporating color into an open floor plan are crucial. Be ready to talk about budgetwhat is the amount of money you feel comfortable spending on a project.

During The Consultation. Most artists will meet potential clients in their homes. An average consultation takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes. If more than one room is to be discussed, prepare the artist before hand so plenty of time is scheduled. For large projects, a consultation can run considerably longer. Ideally, all decision makers are present. The artist will bring a portfolio of work. The portfolio can include a number of items such as large samples boards, photographs of completed homes, idea books, and color decks. Make sure to judge the portfolio on the quality of items, and not the sheer number. However, an artist who has many years experience will have a much larger portfolio than an artist starting out. Let the artist know what your budget is. If you do not feel comfortable, speak in broad terms such as Between $1300-1800. By telling the artist an approximate price range, the best finishes can be chosen that fall into the budget. The artist will also measure out the wall or ceiling area, and take your contact information to return your estimate.

Compare Estimates. When comparing estimates from several different decorative studios, make sure you are comparing the same finishes. An eight layer finish can range in the $8-12 s.f. category, while a 3 layer finish may price at $4 s.f. Glazed walls will be significantly less than textured finishes. The below example gives different price comparisons:

A small powder room is to mimic an old rustic and aged leather that finisher A. refers to as a colorwash. The finisher prices this at $1300. Finisher B doesnt recommend the color red for the bathroom, but suggest a light tan leather look, also referred to as a colorwash on their estimate. The price is $650. Though it may seem as finisher A is double the price, the finishes are greatly different. The red leather finish will need a grey primer basecoat, as well as 2 coats of red paint. Red paint is often priced slightly higher than other colors, due to the red colorants added. The brown leather finish may not require a basecoatthe homeowner has leftover wall paint, and the painter has agreed this will work great for the basecoat by showing the homeowner a sample. The painter then will have to glaze the walls.

Ask the artist for an approximate time frame. An artist working alone may need several weeks to complete a home with multiple finishes. A studio with several trained artists on staff will complete the project in a shorter period of time. Examine each estimate. If a painters price is considerably lower than other estimates the standard of craftmanship may not be up to par with more qualified contractors. Weigh all factors-price quote, references, and professionalism before making a decision.

Hiring an artist is an exciting experience for any homeowner. Customizing your home, and inviting an artist to create an environment just for you is exciting and very personal. From asking and answering questions, to interviewing and reviewing estimates the process can be overwhelming. However, taking one step at a time, and focusing on your goals and vision will make the results tremendously rewarding.

Lead artist of Hampton Wall Designs, Julie Hampton has worked one on one with a variety of clients including interior designers, architects, and private home owners. A skilled artisan, Julie guides her clientele in selecting high quality finishes and surface designs.Alethea Blog96182
Cairistiona Blog7808

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created by the 28 districts in Orange County in 2003. The primary goal of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is to meet the need for a countywide system that can focus on special education. This includes offering staff development and training to school employees, creating leadership in advocating for legislative and administrative change, overseeing the decisions and rulings rendered by administrative agencies, offering a way to fund the litigation and appeals of administrative and judicial decisions and rulings especially when the outcome has a countywide significance or precedent setting in its implications for all students.

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created with the intention of addressing all the concerns of all students regardless of if the student has any manner disability. Any student that is not receiving the full services they need changed because of lack of funding to support mandates created under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The main problem that Orange County Schools faces with meeting this federal mandate is drawing funds from the regular education program. Funds are often taken from the regular education program to support the needs of special education students. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance aims to provide the services all students need to be successful in meeting academic standards.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance plans to accomplish this goal by providing staff development to its practitioners, use the legislative process to seek adequate funding to provide these high quality services, and when necessary, support litigation to achieve these goals. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance also encourages staff members, parents, advocates and organizations to get involved by using their voices and contact the local officials and hold them accountable for promises and mandates for which regular education and special needs children are entitled.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is lead by an Executive Committee that is composed of Superintendents from different school districts across Orange County. The actual carrying out of the goals is the responsibility of the Review Committee. The Review Committee is comprised of five Superintendents regionally nominated, Orange County Schools legal counsel, two private attorneys representing school districts in special education matters, two SELPA directors, and one business administrator. The Review Committee has been working hard for the past two years in order to try and meet the goals of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance. Even though the focus of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is in the areas of legal and funding, it tries hard to work closely with teachers and staff members so that its members are informed about the needs of the schools at root levels.

Since the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created it has accomplish a great deal to meet the needs of the school districts across Orange County.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Orange County schools visit Blog1766
Celia Blog26522

Dog Training Collar Basics

Dog training collars can be really helpful for many dog owners. There are various different styles to choose from and they are all there to help you to control your dog.

The Main Features of a Dog Training Collar

As mentioned, each different dog-training collar is different from the next. There are some that are designed to fit around the dogs noses, which control the direction of the dog. They are generally attached to the lead and every time the dog is pulling or you need to reprimand the dog for something, a quick, sharp yet gentle tug on the lead will turn your dogs head towards you, shocking them into doing what you want them to do. An example of this includes:

The Canny Collar A really good collar that has a pressure and release system. It comes in seven different sizes so it will fit all breeds of dog snugly.

Others are less humane and a lot of critics say they are cruel. These include electric shock collars. Electric shock collars do exactly as they are called - they give the dog an electric shock whenever they do something wrong. Obviously this is really cruel and as safe as most companies say they are, they should never be used over other types of dog training collars. Unfortunately, there are a lot of collars like these on the market including:

Petsafe Yard and Park Trainer The collar comes with a handheld device for the owner. When your dog is wearing the collar, all you have to do is push the button on the handheld device and it will send a shock to your dog up to 400 yards away.

Again, electronic collars really should not be used at all and they can be extremely cruel!

There are also collars that are fitted with devices that aim to stop them barking. These include the:

Static anti-bark collar This collar has a built in on/off system that you can control. It also has a built in system which detects the vibrations within the dogs bark and it can determine whether the dog is barking or whether it has suffered a knock or a scratch.

The Cost and the Techniques Involved

If you choose a collar that is similar to the Canny Collar, you can expect to pay up to $30. However, for the electronic collars you can end up paying around $280! It all depends upon the size of your dog, what you want the collar for and how far you want the device to be able to reach.

The best way to use a collar is only when the dog is doing something you do not want them to do. They shouldnt be used too frequently, as, although the shock may be unpleasant for them, they tend to get used to it and so will ignore what you want them to do. Also, always be quick to reward the dog when they have done something correctly. As long as you are gentle yet firm, the dog should learn quite quickly what is expected of them.

There are some books out there that can help you find the right techniques to help you use the dog training collars more effectively. So it is worth checking out your local library or even picking one up online.

Overall, dog-training collars can be really effective if used properly. You just have to do your research first!

Simon Oldmann is an avid dog lover, now living in the countryside he setup a dog kennel for his dogs, Simon currently writes tips and advice about dog training at http://dogtraining.zupatips.comBenni Blog28934
Amanda Blog6249

The Difference Between Debt Consolidation and Debt Negotiation

Debt consolidation is a plan to get you out of your debt through combining all your debts into a single larger debt, and paying to a single creditor through a single check each month. Debt negotiation is a process of negotiating with your creditors to bring down your total amount of debt. A good debt negotiation company can help bring down your total debts by as much as 50 to 70 percent. A word of caution, though. Debt negotiation may sound great, but it can adversely affect your credit report.

The Pros And Cons Of Debt Negotiation

A debt negotiation company discusses your financial status with your creditors, and offers to pay off all your debts in one go. The catch is that they offer to pay, say, $4,000 cash now against the total debts of, say, $12,000. The very fact that you have appointed a debt negotiator on your behalf is a sign that you are a bad risk, and most creditors will settle for cash now, as against the balance over the next 10 years or so.

The flip side to debt negotiation is that it affects your credit rating in a negative way. The commission to your debt negotiator is usually between 14 and 25 percent of the total settlement.

What Debt Consolidation Experts Do

Debt consolidation experts negotiate on your behalf to arrange to reduce the rates of interest, and to reduce or eliminate the late fees and other charges and penalties. They help consolidate all your outstanding debts into a single debt, and arrange a monthly payment schedule consisting of reduced amount, by as much as 20 to 40 percent.

They usually charge a monthly service fee of around 10 percent, and your payments are referred to credit bureaus. They advise you to close all your credit card accounts, and may allow you to keep one active for emergency uses.

It is for you to decide which course of action you wish to take.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Ailyn Blog9682
Bunni Blog31937

14 Rules Of Business Referral Etiquette

One of the key roles of management is to build business through relationships. A common way to build relationships is through referrals: with, for and through banks, attorneys, employees, peers, and anyone else who has something that someone else wants or needs. The better you are at managing the referral, the better off you and those in your organization will be. Unfortunately, even though most referrals start with good intentions, theyre conducted haphazardly and dont yield the results people expect. Its often the reason that referrals are not offered. Who wants to be burned? The tips in this article should help you control the outcomes and get what you want.

Everyone has been embarrassed by their association with another person at one time or another. How about that cousin you wouldnt want anyone to know about? But what happens when the embarrassment happens in a business situation: more specifically, when you refer one person to another and one of those parties is unprofessional or just plain screws up? Making a bad connection could cost you money or something more valuable and much harder to recoupyour reputation.

We once stepped into an awkward situation when we referred a business peer, seeking a specific product, to one of our clients, who just so happened to offer that very product. We thought we were doing a good thing, a win-win-win thinguntil we received a phone call from our client explaining that the referred person made a vulgar offer to a woman on the clients staff when she said she couldnt go any lower on her price. We were shocked. Our client ended the conversation with, "I'm not sure what to do, but what he [the business peer] did was disrespectful to my staff and to you. I'm going to let you handle this." The outcome was hardly the one we were shooting for. All we could do was apologize and hope our reputation didnt take too big a hit.

The referral is part of Business 101, and its a valuable way to extend your business connections. Typical referrals involve three parties: the person who wants something, the person who has something to give, and the person who connects the two. Sounds simple and cleanbut as our bad experience shows, sometimes things get messy. So what can you do to facilitate successful referrals? That depends on which of the three roles youre playing. Here they are.

The person who wants something. If someone connects you to another party, remember to:

1.respect relationships that others have developed. Consider it your way of saying thanks to the person who made the connection.

2.stay professional and avoid being too casual or friendly. A referral ONLY opens a door of opportunity. Youre still responsible for building your own relationship.

3.conduct yourself in a way that honors the referrer. Your actions represent yourself AND the person who gave you the referral.

4.leave foul language at the door. Everyone has a different tolerance point.

5.keep ethics above board. To do so will net you a double win. To fail will curse you with a double loss at the very least. Good news travels; bad news travels faster.

6.check the ego. Don't believe that your credentials, awards, accomplishments and the referral impress everyone so much that you can leave your manners at the door.

The person who has something to give. If someone sends business your way, make sure you:

1.deliver what you promise, and promise only what you KNOW you can deliver. If you find that you cant help out, be honest about it and say thank you.

2.make good on any mistakes that occur. People understand that errors happen. Keep both of the other two parties interests in mind when taking responsibility for those errors.

3.if you want to keep the referral business pouring in, make sure you meet or exceed the expectations of the person doing the referring. Hint: theyre expecting you to make them look good.

4.never bad mouth the person who referred the business or the one providing the service. What you say will almost surely get back to them.

The person who connects the two. Before you connect one person to another, make sure you:

1.know whom youre dealing with. Only connect people who will show you in a good lightthat goes for the person who wants something as well as the one who has something to give.

2.arent connecting people for the soul purpose of getting reciprocal referrals. A client in Boston complained about giving out referrals but rarely getting them in return. Instead of expecting referrals, he learned that the real value came back to him in the form of strengthened business relationships with others.

3.kick off the transaction in a professional fashion. Whether by telephone, email, or in person, set a tone of respect by introducing each person as a respected professional.

4.butt out when you see the relationship blossom. Chalk up the connection as another success and move on.

Referral etiquette is basically pretty simple. Behave yourself, respect others, and do the right thing. Then make sure you deal only with those who do the same. The combination is a winning formula for building new business relationships and strengthening old ones.

© David and Lorrie Goldsmith

David and Lorrie Goldsmith are managing partners of a firm that offers consulting and speaking services internationally.David was named by Successful Meetings as one of the 26 Hottest Speakers in the Industry. More information at http://www.keynoteresource.comCaritta Blog26493
Alexandra Blog25306

The Secret Weight Loss Machine

There is a piece of equipment available in many gyms and homes that has been shown in tests to be unsurpassed for assisting in your weight loss goals - want to know what it is?

The Treadmill - exercising on Treadmills has helped many people to achieve their weight loss goals - and it can help you too.

Treadmills can be used by virtually any age group, and by individuals of any activity level. Treadmills can help you lose weight, and maintain your weight loss. It really is a numbers game. The more time you spend engaged in physical exercise the more calories you are going to burn and consequently the more pounds you will lose.

If you are searching for fitness equipment that will not only burn fat, but will also raise your metabolism to continue burning fat long after youve stopped exercising, then a treadmill should be at the top of your list.

The treadmill is matchless for cardiovascular exercise. According to a recent study, calories burned on the treadmill for 60 minutes averaged 865 - 705. Compare this figure to the following:

Stair machine 746 - 637 Rowing machine 739 - 606 Stationary cycle 604 - 556 Cross-country ski machine 678 - 595

As you can see the treadmill comes out as the number one cardiovascular machine.

If you would like to develop your own weight loss treadmill program here are some ideas:

Be creative - make your Treadmill session pleasurable, listen to music or audio books on your MP3 player. Some people prefer to just take the opportunity to think or just day dream. The more you enjoy your Treadmill session, the more likely you are to exercise on your treadmill regularly.

Try to exercise daily. Working out on your Treadmill regularly makes your weight loss goals much more likely to happen than if you are only working out only when the mood takes you. Most people that make the switch will tell you that it's easier to workout every day. You don't have to think about whether it's a workout day or not and get prepared for it - just exercise on your treadmill every day - your body will become accustomed to it. It will soon become part of your routine and you will begin to look forward to it.

Try to mix in some interval training into your Treadmill sessions each week. Interval training consists of brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise incorporated into your Treadmill workouts. You may do a one minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your workout.

Start with a three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your walk you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking. At the end of that minute you should be out of breath and ready to slow down. Slow down to your regular walking speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one minute interval. Repeat this throughout your workout.

By this means you can increase your aerobic fitness level to the limits of your ability. You are in essence crossing the anaerobic threshold into anaerobic metabolism, this forces your body to accept more intense exercise which will in turn make your weight loss gains more achievable.

By increasing your basal metabolic rate, interval training cause you to burn more calories a day, and make your exercise less monotonous. Interval training also helps the time pass more quickly. Try walking on your Treadmill with light hand weights of between one and two pounds weight for two to three days per week. Swing your arms and also use a variety of arm movements while walking. This will increase your basal metabolic rate and tone your upper body muscles.

Try to do your Treadmill workout first thing in the day. Most people who workout regularly, do so first thing in the morning. If YOU want to exercise regularly, you are more likely to succeed by being an "early bird"

In order to add a bit more variety to your routine set one day of the week aside to be your "easy day". This should be a very leisurely session. Consider how good your walks are starting to feel as you continue to lose weight and tone your body.

You have probably heard the expression "if you can't measure it, then it doesn't exist". With this in mind make sure that you record your progress. Record the date and time-of-day of your workout, and the distance and/or time you walked. Record the total of the miles or minutes you've walked. Your thoughts or feelings for that particular workout can also be logged.

All of the above measures will help to ensure that your Treadmill Exercise Session is that one special time of day to take care of yourself. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from your special time with your Treadmill. Working out on your Treadmill every day will help you achieve your weight loss goals and have a positive impact on all aspects of your life, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

If we only consider the issue of weight loss, the Treadmill is significantly superior to any other exercise machine given its associated energy expenditure. While other fitness equipment "fads" gather dust Treadmills have consistently provided quality results and lasting benefits. Treadmills allow you to work at your own pace, but don't allow you to slack off. You'll be able to burn calories efficiently and attain your weight loss targets.

If you're in the market to seriously educate yourself about Exercise Treadmills, visit where you can obtain more detailed information.

Paul Reeve is a Personal Trainer, Presenter and Lecturer for Fitness Professionals, Sports Organizations, Sport Coaches, Corporate Organizations. Get FREE expert advice on treadmills from his Online Assistant team at Blog22233
Catlee Blog21808

Your Guide To Legal Forms

When planning to take any legal action you should consider having the right US legal forms. In case you dont have the proper one, youll not be able to do whatsoever within the system. For instance, I have a client who is a landlord. Once, before consulting me, he tried to expel a tenant. Of course he had all the right reasons to do that. This particular tenant hadn't paid his rent for months, he had kept his property in poor cleanliness and that caused my client to ask him to leave.

Although he told the tenant he was being evicted, he didn't supply the correct legal form and that's how my client ended up postponing eviction for a month. Of course, in a normal eviction situation most people would leave when they know they are not wanted, but this tenant made my client get all the correct eviction notice forms and stayed at his place as long as he could. That's why if you have all the right legal forms you would never be in a situation like that.

You might have already guessed what I do for a living - I am in the business of supplying a great variety of legal forms for many clients. I make legal forms on any subject available for anyone who needs them and is ready to pay a small amount of money for my services. I am not a lawyer but this is not a matter of significance. For clients knowing the exact forms they need, this is an easy and cheap solution of getting them. Clients who are not sure what kind of legal forms they might need, for example, to sell a property or rent a house, they could contact us by e-mail, we'll soon provide them with all the right legal forms they need without taking additional fee for that.

There is no doubt that many people get legal forms thinking they could avoid hiring a lawyer if they do the paperwork by themselves. There are some situations when you can actually do that and save some money. However, in most of the cases, for example, when you have a contract or you are involved in a legal skirmish, then you should consider having at least a consultation with a lawyer. If you keep that advice, then you will be sure that everything is in order. Whatever you choose, keep in mind that even the right legal forms do not ensure protection against lawsuit. Apart from that, you can always use an investment that you might have kept in a different situation even when having all the proper legal forms.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning legal. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog91982
Andi Blog76348

Your Questions and Kenn's Question to You

Over the past two months I've collected many website questions from various coaches and groups. Your questions and my answers are below.

Your Questions

Q: How much of a computer do I need to start? What will I need five years from now when I have a huge database, shopping cart, etc? If I am looking for a laptop, what are some of the baseline stats and options I should definitely have?

A: I'm the web guy and I'm all over the Internet. I use the baseline Dell model of about three years ago and it's more than I'll need for a long time. Data storage is cheap. Using any current model computer, you'll have no issues with "computing power." The great thing about computer technology is that it gets better and cheaper every day. Too bad cars don't run on gigabytes!

I'd focus more on your work/life/office style while keeping things simple. Focus on a fun, productive work environment - a place where you would want to work. For example, I have a nice desk - spacious, clean, and organized for the bulk of my work. I have an old, small, empty laptop for writing and surfing when I want to get out of the house.

As for databases, your email list database would be nicely handled by a third party provider. Your client list would easily be handled by contact management software like Outlook, Act or Eudora. You probably want to focus on building your business and coaching clients while taking advantage of other services to help you.

Q: What top 5 things should I consider if I want a basic website now, and expect it to accommodate excellent growth in my business this year, next year, five years from now?

A: This naturally depends on what your goal/purpose/vision is. There's no one right way to grow a coaching practice. So, assume you are a new coach just getting out of school. For the next year or two, you want to build a full practice of clients that you can live off full time. I'd suggest:

Make sure your website has a clear, useful purpose for your business. Make sure you fully understand how it will fit into your business and what use you hope to get out of it.

Create email capture/send functionality to keep in touch with people. This means you not only have the functionality on your website, but you should also have some strategy for interaction as well.

Make your site so compelling that every visitor/prospect will want to be part of your business in one way or another.

Make it look professional. A great lawyer in a shabby suit with holes, leaves you with a lot of doubt.

Remember your site is a work-in-progress. Let it serve some useful purpose now (back to #1) and then you can change it in the future as your needs evolve.

Q: If I am working with a graphic designer for my cards and printed materials, and I am working with a web designer for my site, how do I coordinate/share the graphics & vision so that there is continuity between my site and my printed materials?

A: What you can do is come up with the "creatives." From the creatives, all your graphical needs such as your business cards, brochure, website, stationery, etc, will be derived. Creatives can include:

* a description of what people should feel when looking at your business
* several adjectives about your business
* the vision of your business down the road
* description of your target audience
* your business mission
* desired business colors
* how your business differs from others
* obviously the name of your business
* any desired graphics, patterns, images, or shapes

Once you have your creatives, you can design a logo, design the visual aspect of your website, etc.

Q: How much of my website can I edit and change after a web designer/master sets it up? If I want to have a page or two where I can change text at my discretion, is that possible for me to do directly, or must I go through the designer?

A: Being able to update your own website is something every coach should be able to do. Your web designer will enable you to do what you need in your business, including updating pages to keep your site current.

If it isn't worth your time to update your own site, say you have a lot of updates often, then you may want to pay a designer or hire a virtual assistant.

Q: What does it cost to build a basic website with several pages, some good graphics, an email capture & newsletter distributor, and maybe one free ebook or e-product promotion? What does it cost to make the most frequently requested changes? What are the costs to changing design or adding pages, vs. the costs for simply changing text on the existing pages?

A: The tough thing about building websites is that there are no standards to go by. I feel bad for people shopping for website help.

You can pay nothing dollar-wise but spend a lot of time, or spend a lot of $$ and little of your time. Sadly, spending a lot of $$ won't guarantee success ... in fact it's easy to spend a lot of $$ and end up with a site that isn't very useful. It happens often.

How do I answer this question in a useful and short way? I'm going to throw out some numbers. Hiring a professional web designer who knows your business will save you a lot of time and can put you years ahead, resulting in a good-looking site, and giving you the functional tools you need to market yourself.

Be sure that when you shop, ask a lot of questions. You want to be confident about the web designer's: graphical skills, sense of your business and how it should be presented, and technical skills to make it all work with the least amount of headaches.

The costs will be in the range of $1500-$5000. I say this with much hesitancy because you still need to deal with the copy writing

aspects of your website. Most importantly, be sure whatever you spend, your time, your money, etc, you are confident that the website you end up with will actually help you ... otherwise you will be spending much, much, much more down the road.

Q: As a new coach on a limited budget, what are the top 3 things I should think about doing with my first site?

A: Everyone is on a budget. Don't let budget be the main factor in choosing your solution. The cheapest dollar solution will help you succeed at minimizing the cost of your website. Your website solution should be one that helps you succeed at, for many new coaches, building a full client load.

Top three things to think about:

1. Where do you want your business to be in the next year or two?
2. What do you want your website to "do" to help you get there?
3. What resources do you have to make that happen?

Q: Do web designers secure the domain name, or does the client do that alone, before hiring?

A: Either way. It's relatively easy and inexpensive to register a domain name.

Q: Once a domain name is secured, how do you find the right place to have it hosted? What is there to know about shopping around for this?

A: Like technology, hosting is very cheap these days, ranging from a few bucks a month to $10-$20 a month. If you get into e-commerce and newsletters, you will pay more, usually tens of dollars more per month.

You will want a host that is established, reliable, and has good customer support. If your web designer isn't handling all of the technical aspects for you, good customer support from your host is very important.

Q: If I am currently a one-woman-shop, is there any benefit to having a couple of different email addresses for my for me as coach vs. technical feedback? Or, does technical feedback go to you, the web designer?

A: The complexity added by having multiple email addresses often isn't worth the hassle. I'd suggest sticking with one,

Q: If I offer a free newsletter and have a way to capture emails, or if I offer a free info-product, will I automatically be able to get ratios of *sales* per visits to the site? Or is it just as simple as comparing number of visitors to number of *sales*? When I get data about number of hits, does this include ratios of new visitors vs. repeats, etc? How do I get this data and who provides it? Are there additional costs?

A: It's a great idea to keep track of conversion rates that occur at your website. Stats are easy to get and can be provided in various ways. You just need to make sure you are set up with them when you are setting up your website. Be sure to ask your web designer if these stats can be attained.

Q: What should I do to help search engines choose my site?

A: There are a lot of factors that go into getting websites to the top of search engines. Some things you can do to help, and many things you won't be able to do. The main things are to be sure your website is easy for search engines to access, has your keywords in it often, and gets links pointing to your website.

Q: How do the services work that handle capturing emails and sending out newsletters and other marketing automated follow-ups? Where is the data stored, and is there any advantage to having that on my own computer for any reason? Are they secure so that I can be confident that they will not share the info with other people, or sell it?

A: I strongly recommend using an email list service. Two services I've used include Aweber and Constant Contact. You will want to use them because they are dedicated to getting your email to their destination while making it easy for you to send them out. With all the junk mail you get and the SPAM abuse to deal with, you need these kinds of resources.

The data is stored at their place, so you don't have to worry about your data. The data gets backed up regularly too.

To answer the question of "How do they work?"- they are user-friendly, intuitive, and come with how-to guides. Essentially you capture email addresses; write a newsletter (in text or html) and click "send" to reach your audience.

Q: I hate the sites where the page is too wide to be viewed without scrolling back and forth horizontally. What do you do to ensure that even people with smaller screens (and for that matter, slower computers or connections) can easily and quickly navigate my site, never having to work hard to see what I want them to see?

A: As time goes on, the percentage of users using smaller screens decreases in favor of bigger screens. This is because unlike other things, computer-related equipment prices generally go down over time. So what I do is to design websites for screens that make up the majority. The minority, those with 15 inch monitors, will be used to horizontal scrolling.

And again, even if everyone had gigantic monitors, there's just so much information one can absorb on a website without going bonkers. Usually bigger screen users are using bigger screens not to see more of a single website, but to have multiple applications going at once, like having email up while browsing a website and watching for instant messaging. A website built for 17 inch monitors is about where design is right now.

Q: A friend of mine just created his first website using Dreamweaver, working his way through the tutorial to learn how. His finished product is a website that, while not stunning (and I'm sure not found on Google or set up to collect email addresses or send out e-zines, etc), is presentable and gives him a basic website to send folks to. It was free except for his time (and he already had Dreamweaver), and he can now save up for a more professional site when he is financially ready.

My question: If I wanted to do the same thing, would I be able to hire someone like you down the road to add some bells and whistles (like email capture, e-zine signup, info-product sales, and maybe attractors for the Googles of the world)? Would a web designer add to what I had created, or would he have to start from scratch?

A: You can certainly add to a website. A website is like a work in progress that evolves as your business evolves. Some automated software programs or hosts that provide low cost websites may limit your ability to add these additional functions - but there's always a way to "skin the cat."

Kenn's Question to You: Why don't you have a Website?

Why do you put up with a lazy website? It's tough enough to sell an invisible service that still many people don't understand. You should be using everything you have to get clients, and a solid website is essential.

* Not sure where to start?
* Overwhelmed by the web?
* Think you aren't technical enough?
* Not serious about your business? (subconsciously, this is what prospects think if you lack a good website)

If you are a coach who needs to create a client-attracting website or needs to redesign one, take some time to see if my services are right for you: Find out more about the types of coaches I help.

Kenn Schroder, professional web designer for coaches helps you build a magnetic coaching web site to attract clients. Web site design, search engine optimization (SEO), FREE report and FREE newsletter to help you build a practice-growing coaching web site. Blog66276
Amandie Blog55412

Robert Frost was Right: Choosing the Road to the College That's Best For You

The stairway to college is made up of steps that will take you to the higher education that's right for you...and (yes) ONLY you!

How high school and college diverge.

The high school experience moves students through the school system in groups.

Where do you fit in?

How are you viewed? Athlete? Actor? Academic wiz?

To survive and excel in high school, you find that you must meet the expectations for people who are much the same. Yet, in college, and in much of the world after college, the key to excellence, and the route to happiness, is often to carve your own path.

How do you feel when you read this classic poem by Robert Frost?

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Selecting a college or university is not about following the path of everyone else, is it? Ivy League? Or not. Big 10 Football? Or not. While college has become more expensive and competitive, the path you choose may surprise all those around you.

Don't let this idea frighten your parents or shock your friends. Here's the core: Trust the voice inside of you. Small classes: do they appeal to you or stifle you? Trust your emotions when visiting this type of school. A sprawling college campus: Does it welcome you or bore you? Trust your intuition over every choice. And when you meet with two diverging paths, feel proud of the decision to take the one less traveled.

Susan Curtis is Editor of Stairway to College: Navigating the College Admissions Process Celestine Blog52849
Analiese Blog94611

San Francisco Schools Hire Mcgraw-Hill VP

After six months of interviewing applicants nationwide, San Francisco Schools district has filled its top position. Carlos Garcia, Vice President of Urban Markets for McGraw-Hill (educational publishers), has been selected as the next Superintendent of San Francisco Schools. Board members have been seeking a replacement since January after interim Superintendent Gwen Chan announced that she would not return to the post in the fall.

Garcia was voted in due to his experience in San Francisco Schools, strong results as Superintendent of other districts, and good reputation as a fiscal manager. Garcia served both Fresno, California and Clark County, Nevada as Superintendent. From 1988-91 Garcia was principal of San Francisco Schools Horace Mann Middle School. During his tenure the school improved its achievement scores and received recognition for its accomplishments.

According to Board President of San Francisco Schools, Mark Sanchez, We chose Mr. Garcia because of his past experience with San Francisco, his strong track record as a superintendent and his understanding of the challenges that our district faces. The San Francisco Schools have dealt with issues like declining enrollment over the past few years, as families leave for better districts and private schools. Initiatives like the small schools program are one of many that the San Francisco Schools are implementing to reverse this trend. This change in leadership may bring some of these programs into question, although the school board seems confident that Garcia is in line with their priorities.

Thirty applicants were interviewed since January in an attempt to find a new leader for the San Francisco Schools. Garcias credentials includes a B.A. from Claremont Mens College in political science, a M.A. in education from Claremont Graduate school, and an administrative degree from California State University at Fullerton. Parents in San Francisco Schools provided input to the hiring process in the form of both community meetings, and over a thousand surveys, to determine the criteria for their next leader.

Leadership of the San Francisco Schools will have a strong impact on financial spending and program funding. Given pressure to meet national No Child Left Behind standards, administrators in San Francisco Schools are constantly making decisions about how best to allocate funds. Californias poor reputation on educational priorities and spending was recently highlighted by a think tank study that claimed that the states educational priorities are in such disarray that the whole system needs an overhaul. While San Francisco Schools leaders may agree with the study, they still need state funding to run their districts.

The fact that Garcia led one of the nations largest districts, Clark County, gives the San Francisco Schools reasons to hope that he will use the same financial wisdom in this district. Six of the seven board members voted for Mr. Garcias appointment, with the seventh asking for more time to decide. Garcia will begin serving San Francisco Schools on July 16th, 2007.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog53472
Brigida Blog16943

Detroit Schools Partner for Engineering Success

The Detroit Schools has partnered with local universities to get students thinking about careers in science and engineering. Students at different levels of the Detroit Public Schools are being targeted in a statewide effort to get more women and minorities enrolled in engineering programs. One program that makes this its mission is the Detroit Area Pre College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).

The Detroit Area Pre College Engineering Program

DAPCEP works with area students in three main ways. It partners with local public school teachers to design a curriculum that encourages creative thinking in the sciences. To fulfill this goal, DAPCEP sponsors science fairs, field trips, and university seminars for students and teachers.

DAPCEP also runs a Saturday program in conjunction with local universities and corporations to provide enrichments activities for students in grades 4 12. These activities focus on different aspects of math, computer science, engineering, physics, chemistry, and communication skills.

In addition to its programs during the school year, DAPCEP brings local public school students into universities for summer programs. Some of the summer programs are residential, with students living on campus for a few weeks and getting a real taste for the college life. Other programs provide transportation to and from campus.

University Partnerships
DAPCEPs list of university partners is certainly impressive.
University of Detroit Mercy
Michigan State University
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Wayne State University
Lawrence Technical University
Oakland University
University of Michigan Dearborn
Michigan Technological University

The Little Engineer Program

In addition to their very successful middle school and high school programs, DAPCEP also has something for smaller learners. Its Little Engineer Program is for students in grades K 3. These Saturday classes for both children and their parents focus on teaching and learning math, science, pre-engineering, and reading.

How to Join DAPCEP

The selection process for DAPCEP can be daunting for parents anxious to give this opportunity to their children. DAPCEP holds an open house each fall for prospective students and parents. Students must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average in all their school subjects. Other factors, such as attendance, and taking certain academic subjects in the regular school curriculum, such as physics, chemistry, and higher level math, also play a role in student selection. For many programs, students also need letters of recommendation from their math and science teachers.

Summer Course Offerings

DAPCEPs university partnerships are providing a range of summer courses of Detroit area students. Here are some highlights:

Watershed Investigators (University of Detroit Mercy)
Students will investigate local water quality in a series of real world experiments.

How Math Rocks Our World (Tabernacle)
Students will see how their math and science skills compare with other students around the world, in particular China and India.

Wireless Integrated Microsystems (Michigan State University)
Hands on activities and presentations from nine different engineering majors offered at the university.

Engineering Intensive Workshop ( Michigan Technological University)
Students choose two areas of study, ranging from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Aided Engineering, Computer Programming, Material Engineering, Chemical Engineering and others.

All of the DAPCEP programs emphasize the Detroit Area Public School Districts commitment to ensuring that students have the opportunity to explore many challenging areas and gain further insights into the college experience.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Alis Blog96050
Bobbi Blog92763


Much like the first Americans who experienced nuclear power, or a TV set in their home, the health repercussions of computers are not entirely known. It is a sobering thought that those who have spent their lives bathed in the glow of their monitors may find themselves decades from now in poor health, with conditions caused from any number of harmful emissions from their desktops, whether chemical or electromagnetic.

The Hot Topic

Like stilted houses on hurricane coasts, laptops of today seem to be climbing higher and higher off of workspaces in dorm rooms, offices and coffee shops. The "hot" issue with laptops is exactly this. Batteries in laptops run hot; sometimes so hot that they can cause the computer to shut down, that is, if the user can still handle the keys. As a result, these notebook computers are being hefted higher and higher off of their desks. Sometimes this is done with proper stands and other times with books or coasters, either way it is meant to allow for proper heat ventilation.

A recent report by Stephen H. Wildstrom on Business Week Online sheds more light as to why exactly most laptops run so hot. According to the article, the problem lies with the lithium ion batteries nestled inside of most modern laptops. Lithium ion batteries are great because they generate enough power to support high performance laptops with high processing speeds. However, as the battery meets the processor's need for power, it heats up. This is mainly due to the fact that laptops are small, compact and very poor at allowing heat to escape from their innards.

While overheated laptops are certainly an inconvenience and uncomfortable to use, there are more potentially lethal and destructive surprises waiting within lithium ion batteries. Wildstrom says that lithium ion batteries rely on electronic circuits, a sort of fail-safe so to speak, to prevent violent chemical reactions. Unfortunately, as of late, these systems seem to be failing in the notebook computers of a couple major notebook manufacturers.

However, heat doesn't seem to be the only problem facing the laptops of today. In order to compensate for the heat, cooling fans blast on at a high RPM, generating a noise that sounds like a fighter jet turning on its afterburners directly overhead.

While laptops are good for people when on the go, it seems that many people are simply using their notebooks all the time, even when seated at their home office, or designated workplace.

Because of this, the user's productivity goes down due to the distracting blasts of noise from the cooling unit, his health is jeopardized and put at risk due usually poor ergonomic setup of the workplace and to the overheated batteries, when in reality, they could be using other methods of computing that would prove more productive.

Turning Green

So how are these problems to be solved? A better ergonomic choice is to use a notebook stand with an external keyboard and mouse to have a better physical position, with the notebook battery removed. However the noise and the higher level of radiation are still there. What can be done?

The best choice is a silent and environmentally friendly desktop computer. The computer can be tucked away; the keyboard, mouse and monitor can be set up ergonomically. Ideally the screen is about 25 inches away. The top of the screen is at eye level. The keyboard and mouse are in a light color to keep the contrast difference to the monitor to a minimum and help reduce potential eyestrain.

Constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation due to not so well shielded computer cases and electronics increases stress levels as the body has to spend energy to maintain its own energy field. Once you start working with a well shielded and silent computer you'll feel the difference very quickly.

A high quality, green and silent computer can also increase productivity up to 20%. Michael Kim of reported increases of 10 to 20% since switching to a desktop. He had been using mostly his notebook before. Now the notebook is only for the road. As a side effect, he reduced his electricity bill by about 30%. The silent computer made him turn off all other noise sources in the office. And he feels fresher after the work day is done.

He also reports that the TCO'03 compliant monitor causes much less stress to his eyes than before. The TCO'03 rating means that the monitors are built to the highest ergonomic and environmental standards.

To the best of our knowledge,'s desktops are currently the only truly "green computers." Although many other companies say their computers are "green" because they offer a buy back program and eliminated heavy metals, mostly lead, this simply isn't going to improve health conditions in the workplace or at home if the computers themselves are constructed in an unhealthy way.

The Next Step

Now its time for you to decide what is the best way to improve your surroundings. Think of your families or employees well being. Create the healthiest and most environmentally friendly computer workplace and reap the immediate benefits.

Thomas Schramm and Brian Betts of "Healthy Computing Through Environmental Responsibility". The company's computers exceed all environmental standards. Their greener, silent and high quality components help lower stress levels and improve productivity. Find out more at Blog15026
Ashien Blog34998

Wi-fi Wireless Internet Made Simple

Just what is all this Wi-Fi wireless internet stuff they are trying to confuse and torment me with?

It is actually quite simple, useful and most of all convenient.

All you probably want to do is to share your internet connection throughout your home whether it be to other computers or so that you can sit in your bedroom and wirelessly surf the internet or send email. Perhaps as well you wish to share files such as songs throughout the computers in your house, apartment or condo.

Dont let them confuse with all this alphabet soup - b , g , a , 11 megabytes , 54 , 108.

To begin with most any of the systems are beyond overkill. All will go faster than the even high speed broadband internet. Most use the same frequency as the standard cordless phones (2.4 GHz). . Be reassured the phones and the wireless internet in most cases will co- exist and work well with each other.

The most common wireless setups wireless b and g use the frequency most cordless phone use. G wireless internet is sort of a faster b standard. What is important to know is that it is all standardized. B will work with G and G products will work with B. G is said to up to 5 times faster than B that is assuming that you are relatively close. G wireless is very useful primarily if you are sharing large files between computers. For ordinary browsing b wireless is still overkill speed, faster as said than most broadband internet connections. The usual stated range of these wireless products is 300 feet indoors range and 1000 feet outside. The range is basically line of sight. Heavy dense objects primarily metal, metal doors, metal foil insulation, heavy bricks and pipes and objects such as furnaces, metal filing cabinets will block reception to some degree. As well if the manufacturer makes some ultra high speed claims remember that both the router and wireless network adapters will have to be that brand and that special computer networking hardware feature to work at those high speeds and transmission rates. Remember to that wireless internet transmission speeds fall rapidly with distance.

Wireless internet is basically a radio setup with a transmitter and receivers. The transmitter is a box that plugs into the internet to share your internet connection. This is called a Router . . Wireless routers are made by a number of manufactures and the most widely known are the Linksys and D-Link brands. All routers are fairly good now. Tech support may be something to consider for setup ease. Routers are often sold on sale at big box stores as a means of drawing customers who already have at least one computer into their stores. It is reasoned that if a customer wants to buy a router the odds are good that he or she has more than one computer and once in the store will make additional purchases .Perhaps they will be even so fed up with the older computer as the kids have taken use of the newer faster model that the customer will even buy a additional new computer from the store.. The routers that you will find on sale will most likely be the newer g standard routers which will work with your B or G wireless network adapters in your computers.

Secondly you will need a receiver to receive the wireless internet signal at the computer end. You will have several options depending on your setup. If your laptop is a newer model then you may have a wireless network adapter: already built into your laptop. If you have an older laptop you can install a PCMCIA wireless network adapter into the credit card sized slot on your laptop. If you have a desktop computer you will have several options. If you have the abilities and are allowed by your warranty to open your computer case then you can install a standard PCI wireless card. The advantage of the PCI cards is that they almost always work, are screwed in so that they cannot be dislodged to stop working. The disadvantage is that the antenna of the card is hidden behind the metal of the computer case limiting reception. Another option is USB wireless adapters. Not only can the USB wireless adapter be installed without opening the case but as well with a USB extension cord the YSB network adapter can be lifted away from the computer to a higher more open place.

Several points on setup to make your life easier. After all networking is often called Voodoo Science . First if you are buying both the wireless adapters as well as the router try to buy the same brand, There will be easier setup , perhaps faster speed and tech support will not be able to blame the other vendors product for setup issues. You can tell tech support even after the return period of the store: I guess the products are defective and have to be replaced . There will be no issue of blaming the other vendors product. Case closed. Secondly most of the routers are setup by a web based interface . Some will come with an install disc as wizard. With others you will enter a web address usually 192.168.x.x and a password. To enter this setup interface. The instructions and passwords should be in either your instructional manual or disc that came in the box with your router. If you have a standard cable broadband account then just follow instructions if you have a DSL type of broadband internet connection then you will need the paper the phone company gave you with your internet account name and setup password. The type of connection that you set up in the router for DSL connections is called POPE The connection internet connection password is most likely different than your email password. This internet connection password is of very little value to anyone else. If you do not have this information phone your DSL provider tech support.

Next install the wireless adapters. Windows XP has its own wireless utility program installed. With previous versions of windows (Windows 98, 2000 and ME) you will have to install the utility program that the manufacturer provided on the install disk.

Most of his install manuals have 2 different sets of instructions one for Windows XP, the other for the remaining operating systems.

When you setup the router you will be given a choice of whether to turn on the security features so that other people can drive up in front of your house and freeload your internet signals. It is anyones choice whether they wish to use this feature or not.

Believe me there will be no shortage of wireless internet connections for those freeloaders estimate is 60 %. You can say to yourself if someone wants to waste gas to sit in front of my home to download songs or whatever good for them . If you wish to turn on the scrambling to sign onto your internet it will be in the advanced wireless or wireless security section of your router control panel. There are a number of choices. Most common is a setup called WEP (Web Enabled Protection)... This is available in a standard 64 bit or more secure 128 bit WEP settings. 64 bit setup is easier. 128 bit has you enter a long string of characters twice. Lots of fun with mistakes on entering those digits correctly. The easier to use security setup routines will allow an easy to use phrase code generator. For example in the phrase code generator you enter the word

Badgerlinux. The number / character code will then be generated that you must enter both the router and wireless adapter ends of your system. WEP is considered by purists not as secure as a newer system called WPA. Not all of the older hardware supports WPA. You may look at it as if someone in my area can break into my WEP protected wireless system then that is the least of my troubles.

Lastly the biggest problem with wireless internet networks in neighbors. That is right neighbors. It is estimated that 40 % of wireless products are returned to big box stores. There are 12 available channels available in the wireless router settings. For convenience and to aid setup most brands of routers place the default channel of their routers as channel 6 right in the middle of the 12 channels available. It does not take much a signal at all to confuse your wireless adapter. You will see signal strength of your wireless route signal but you will unable to get a solid internet connection.

Worse yet this phenomenon of no internet connection may be sporadic. In many cases you will not be able to even spot the culprit in your wireless configuration software.

Remarkably wireless internet signals can travel a fair distance and may even appear to come out of nowhere. Worse yet the interference may be on sporadic. And as said it does not take much of a signal at all to leave you with no internet connection.

The answer is simplicity itself. Change the Channel . There are 12 available channels in your router setup control panel. The next 2 choices for wireless channel selection are at the 2 ends of the spectrum channels 1 and 11. However it may simply be a matter of trial and error.

Wireless internet is rather amazing, you can surf the world, download songs, send email and transfer files conveniently at high speed and at some distance away from your internet connection. In addition you do not have to call or pay electrician to string the internet network wiring in your home. And if you wish to move the computers or even move just pickup and make the move.

If in the end you are having troubles on setup do not feel afraid to call tech support. Someone in India or the Philippines will be more than happy to assist you. Remember in the end you have the ultimate threat of all , that is to take your new Wi-Fi wireless products back to your store of purchase.

Maxwell Z. Rubin Agricultural Chemist Linux as well as vintage computing http://www.badgerlinux.netAmata Blog67412
Auguste Blog76863

Dress For Success

You have always imagined how this meeting would be. From the moment you exited your college doors to the moment you applied for this amazing opportunity at the company of your dreams, you have been fantasizing how your conversational skills would lead you closer to a job proposal that will excite you. But, have you ever considered that apart from building your professional experience and advancing your academic background, the condition of your wardrobe can be a crucial factor for your prospective employer to base his/her decision on? All around the globe, HR professionals agree that candidates who select to wear clean and matching clothes actually increase their chances of being offered the position they are after.

It is common in today's professional environment for people to wear their "business" outfit during office hours and their casual clothes during leisure time. Whether you have realized it or not, you are probably a member of this fast-pace attire couture, as you open your closet in the morning to wear one of your business suits leaving your jeans hanging for the more "relaxed" atmosphere of the weekend or a barbeque party. But even if your office dress code does not explicitly direct you to wear formal business garments, when you are about to be interviewed for a new job it is important you will select to wear your professional-looking clothes.

As a matter of fact, my personal experience has led me to conclude that the outfit I will select to wear before having to give a small speech about my abilities and skills can direct the attention of my future employer to what I am saying instead to how I look. Contemporary business culture demands from the person that wishes to enter a business environment, of any kind, to look sharp and professional. Thus, it is crucial for candidates to choose carefully their apparel so as to reflect the generally accepted working dress-code, apart from their personal taste. Regardless if the position is that of a senior or a junior executive, HR agencies inform the individuals they manage to pay attention to their appearance as much as they should practice what they are going to elaborate on when explaining their professional experience and skills. There is not one recruiter out there that would overlook the way interested professionals look when they are invited for the first round of interviews. As the old saying goes, "An image says 1,000 words."

But, while one should be conscious of the impact a carefully chosen wardrobe has to the overall image he or she is about to give, going over the business dress-code line is not advisable by anyone. For instance, women that wear heavy makeup or men that select to wear an extremely expensive suit might give to the interviewer the wrong impression regarding their professional status and overall character. In fact, one might loose a perfectly good opportunity to get the position he or she is about to be interviewed due to a poor or over-the-top appearance. Dressing casually or over-dressing will never lead you to the desired result. Thus, before meeting with your potential employer, it is imperative to consult with friends, who have working experience in the business field you wish to enter, so as to learn as much as possible in relation to the working outfit recruiters and business executives consider as acceptable. Consequently, it is important for you to plan ahead and invest in purchasing the "right" type of clothes. Being proactive today will give you tomorrow the opportunity to buy that piece of clothing that your future boss would characterize as "extreme," but your partner or friends would adore.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog77277
Bunnie Blog54485

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